Setting Goals and Achieving Them: My Internship Experience with CCREEE

Author: Randy Deochan
Country: Guyana
Hello everyone! My name is Randy Deochan and I am a proud Guyanese. I am currently a final year Mechanical Engineering student at The University of Guyana who is excited to head into the world of work to make positive changes. Throughout my University journey, I had a special quote that steadily inspired me to complete my bachelor’s degree; “I have learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” This quote was said by Mr. Nelson Mandela, the first black South African president. In July 2020, I was selected by the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) for their annual internship programme as a representative of The Cooperative Republic of Guyana.
What am I taking away from this experience? This internship lasted for 8 weeks, during that time I was privileged to work closely with the energy agencies in Guyana. As it so happened, my supervisor is a Project Officer at the Guyana Power and Light company which is the primary electricity provider in Guyana. As a future mechanical engineer, working along with a project officer allowed me to witness firsthand how to manage a project as it relates to the energy sector in Guyana which will be my direct area of employment. This programme has offered me a wide range of insight into the renewable energy sector as it relates to the sustainable future of my country regarding its management of our renewable energy resources and understanding the policies that surround it.
This internship has challenged me in a number of ways, some of which have been to my benefit. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of my data was accumulated virtually instead of doing face to face interviews which I would have preferred. However, I was not deterred with my findings. I was still able to amass a substantial amount of information and improve my ability to effectively communicate and cascade information virtually.
In order to address the challenge of collecting information virtually, I had to be increasingly persistent and diligent in order to retrieve the information in a timely manner.
The experience gained has further cemented my goal to pursue a master’s degree in renewable energy and to work closely with the renewable energy sector in Guyana. It has also aided in the completion of my final year project which is based on using a Zuppinger’s waterwheel to supply hydro-electric power to an interior location called Kato in Guyana.
My takeaway from this experience would be first and foremost a heightened sense of professionalism and diligence. I have also learned that with integrity, sensibility and technology, Guyana will be on the road to 100% renewable energy by 2040.
All in all, my experience with the CCREEE has expanded my knowledge and depth as it relates to the renewable energy sector, and I truly campaign that anyone interested in this area of study should definitely consider this organization as a beacon and a pioneer of renewable and sustainable energy in the Caribbean.